Friday, November 8, 2013

Coquina cart paths

This week we did some routine maintenance to our coquina cart paths. These cart paths require more maintenance and labor than asphalt cart paths, but offer a much better look. Over time, the gold color of the coquina fades and a new coat needs to be applied. 

As you can see in the above picture, not only is the bermudagrass encroaching into the coquina path, but the edge offers no definition. The first step of our process is the paint out the new edge. 

Once painted, a sod cutter is used at a depth of 2". Then the path is sod cut, and the encroaching bermudagrass is shoveled up for removal. 


After the encroaching grass is shoveled up and raked out, a new edge is established. This edge is more visually appealing and will aid in keeping the coquina on the path instead of the surrounding turf. 

The new coquina is then spread out using a belt style topdresser. Any existing pot holes are filled and the edges are hand ranked-in to ensure there is no coquina being applied over the top of the existing turfgrass. Coquina cart paths are often utilized in Florida because they offer a more natural look than the traditional asphalt or concrete option.